Information security awareness

Equip your company with knowledge on understanding cyber risks and how to prevent from such threats

Empowering Teams: ISA-Suite’s Security Awareness Training

Regardless of how much business investments occur for cyber security solutions, employees are always going to be a weak link in your overall security plan unless they are properly trained and certified.

Through our cyber security awareness training, employees are educated on the dangers that happens online and how they can properly identify them before any  threat is available.

Our ISA-Suite is a comprehensive suite of security awareness solutions that address threats completely, effectively and in a way that makes the most sense of your organization and its culture.



We use engaging tools for learning and simulate phishing attacks

We have many ways to educate your company and ensure the best knowledge delivered to protect your data at the highest way possible


Online Training Courses

Exhaustive collection of training topics that address today’s most common threats and prepares staff for the threats of tomorrow.The online courses are multimedia (3D videos,narration, text & animations), user-friendly, interactive, engaging, customizable, effective and multilingual (37 languages).


Phishing Simulation & Assessment tools

Perform simulated phishing attack to assess your employees’ cyber security readiness and provide statistical analysis on the results.


Reinforcement & Communication Tools

Reinforce best practices with engaging tools. The learning methodology employs a whole host of purpose-built communications and reinforcement tools.


We use engaging tools for learning and simulate phishing attacks

Our partnership with Terranova opens a wide variety and methods to help the learning process through interesting tools and ways.We deliver to Multi-level clientele for [End users, Managers, developers IT administrations]



How this will help you?

Enhance your overall data security

When you properly train your employees, they'll acquire a new habits such as creating strong passwords or report any malicious mails

Increased Compliance

Regulations will become a lot more restricted as cyber security becomes more of a priority for both companies and the customers themselves. Failure to comply with the new security standards of today could lead to massive, costly lawsuits

Time and Money

Data breaches can cause a lot financial damage and in some cases takes more than 6 months to recover from a data loss.
